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Central Corfu


Ermones are located in the center of the island and is about 25 km from Corfu town.This legendary place mentioned by the ancient poet Homer in the Odyssey, which according to the rhapsody,  the daughter of King Alcinous of the Phaeacians Nafsika was on the beach and suddenly the sea washed up in front her, the body of resourceful Odysseus.

  • Ermones Corfu
  • Ermones Corfu
  • Ermones Corfu

Rentals in Ermones

About Ermones

Place of heroes and same time magically , the village of  Ermones combines the venturous Corfiot nature  with the blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The visitors when they arrive at this small village, they will see a cove in to the sea  which has rocks and thick vegetation. The beach located between this cove and looks like a refuge very friendly  to any visitor who asks privacy and seclusion.

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